
FBA Chapter Newsletters
The following back issues of the Chapter’s newsletter have been uploaded to the Chapter website. Each issue is “word searchable.” If there are any issues that have not been uploaded, it is because we don’t have a copy. If you have an issue that isn’t listed, please contact

Historical Society Newsletter (“THE COURT LEGACY”)
Current and back issues of “The Court Legacy,” the Newsletter of the Historical Society for the United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan may be accessed here.

If you would like to receive hard copies of “The Court Legacy,” you need to be a member of the Historical Society, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, which you can join when you renew your chapter membership by checking off COURT HISTORICAL SOCIETY in the dues section or by making a similar designation in the online renewal form. In between renewals, just contact Mindy Herrmann at or Matt Lund at, and arrangements will be made to get you signed up!.