Sustainers of the Chapter

We gratefully acknowledge the additional support provided to our Chapter by the following individuals, who go above and beyond in the way that they help to sustain our chapter.  Sustainers of the Chapter are lawyers who not only practice in Federal Court, but are also deeply committed to the educational and benevolent missions of this local bar chapter.  Through their generosity, we are able to fund essential programming and support all of the lawyers practicing in Federal Court throughout the Eastern District of Michigan.  

Note that Sustainers of the Chapter who have an asterisk beside their names are also members of the Court Historical Society.


Frederick A. Acomb
James Alexander
Matthew P. Allen
Margaret (Meg) Alli
William E. Altman
James Amberg
Nicholas Andrews
Frank Angileri
Jeffrey Appel
Michael Asher
David Atallah
Hanna Attar
Gary August
Gary August
Alexander Ayar
Andrew Backing
Megan Bonanni
Joseph W. Barber
Dennis M. Barnes
Kimberly A. Bedigian *
John Below
John Benko
Brendan Best
Thomas S. Bishoff
Kathleen Bogas
Ryan Bohannon
Peter Bolton
Keefe Brooks
Charles D. Bullock *
Cheryl Bush
Melinda Buurma
Nedra Campbell
Mark Cantor
Michael Carroll
Charles Chamberlain
Dennis Clark
Kevin Clark
Mackenzie Clark
Tracy M. Clark
Michael Coakley
Daniel Cohen
Cheryl Cook
Susan Cook
Marisa Copes
Maura Corrigan
Margaret Costello
Thomas W. Cranmer
Jeffrey Crapko
Charlotte Croson
Elliot G. Crowder *
Michelle Czapski
Frederick (Fritz) Damm
Brad Danek
Chris Darrow
Margaret Debler
Lillian Diallo
Robert Diehl
Catherine Dobrowitsky *
George B. Donnini
Stephanie Douglas
Christine Dowhan-Bailey
David Dragich
David DuMouchel
Stephen Dunn
Lisa Dwyer *
Amir El-Aswad
Amanda Empey
Earle Erman
Ernest Essad
Barry Fagan
Susan Fairchild *
Gary Fealk
Robin Ferriby
Cynthia Filipovich
David H. Fink
Nathan J. Fink
Steve Fishman
Scott Fishwick
Erica L. Fitzgerald
Conor Fitzpatrick
Todd Flood
Adam Forman
John Freeman
Bradley Friedman
Andrew Fromm
Louis P. Gabel
Angela Gamalski
Jeffrey Garfield
James Gerometta
Grant Gilezan
Carl Gilmer-Hill
Rodney Glusac

Sonya N. Goll *
Andrew Gonyea
Dylan Goodwin
Deborah Gordon
Judith Gracey
Robert Graziani
Jennifer Grieco
Justin Grimske
S. Rae Gross
Harold Gurewitz
Howard Gurwin
Corey Haines
Michael Hale
Michael Hamblin
David Haron
Robert Harrison
Erika Hart
Ernest M. Hassan *
Mark A. Hauck
Lynn A. Helland
James Hermon
Fred K. Herrmann
Patrick F. Hickey
J. Michael Huget
Noah Hurwitz
Linda Hylenski
Angela Jackson
Benjamin W. Jeffers
Ven Johnson
Amy Johnston
Robert June
Mami Kato
Jacqueline Asher Kelly
James Kelly *
Linda Kennedy
Jason Killips
Daniel Klimek
Anthony Kochis
Brittney Kohn
Michael Komorn
Julie Kosovec
Edward Kronk
Jeffrey K. Lamb
Patrick Lannen
Jonathan Lauderbach
Tracey Lee
Michael Leib
Dane Lepola
Matthew Letzmann
Andrew Lievense
Marla Linderman Richelew
Derek Linkous
Jennifer Lord
Matt Lund *
Tammy Lundstrom
Joshua Lushnat
Mona Majzoub *
Annie Malayang Daley
Victor Mansour
Amy Marino
Hans Massaquoi
Jeffrey May
Jack Mazzara
Samuel McCargo
Patrick M. McCarthy
Ralph McDowell
Cary McGehee
Andrew McGuinness
Susan McKeever
Jennifer McManus
Thomas McNeill
Barbara McQuade *
Fred Mester
Alex Meyers
Roger Meyers
Joseph Michaels
E. Powell Miller
K.J. Miller
Kenneth Mogill
Nolan Moody
Mayer Morganroth
Denise Morris
Tania Morris Diaz
Gregory V. Murray *
Moheeb Murray
Roger Myers
Kenneth Neuman
Jennifer L. Newby
Len Niehoff
Jamie Nisidis
Paul Novak
A. Michael Palizzi
Elisa Angeli Palizzi *
Thomas Paxton
Arvin J. Pearlman
Eric J. Pelton
Zachary Pelton
Lauren Penrod
Mitchell Piper
Michael Pitt
David Plunkett
Lita Popke
Thomas Porter
Wendy Potts
Clarence L. Pozza, Jr.
Sarah Prescott
Heather Ptasznik
Jane Quazarano
Margaret Raben
Sara Rajan
Ashley Racette
Sara Rajan
Jeffrey Raphelson
Michael A. Rataj
Stefanie R. Reagan
Steven W. Rhodes
Robert Riley
Victoria Roberts
Gerald E. Rosen
Nicholas Roumel
Jennifer Salvatore
Tami Salzbrenner
Andrew Saperstein
Jodi Schebel
Thomas M. Schehr
Matthew Schneider
Craig Schoenherr
Dennis Schultz
Kimberly Scott
Scott Seabolt
Erin Sedmak
Rachel Selina
Patrick G. Seyferth
Joseph Shannon
Mark Shapiro
Dan Sharkey
Philip Shefferly
Brian Shekell
Benjamin Shipper
Mark Shreve
Aaron Shuman
John Sier
Kalilah Spencer
Khalilah Spencer
David Steingold
Michelle M. Stephenson *
Mark Stern
Michael A. Stevenson *
Kevin J. Stoops
Steven Susser
Deborah J. Swedlow
Bill Swor *
Destiny Sykes
Leigh C. Taggart
Thomas Tallerico
Adam Taub
Matthew Taunt
James C. Thomas
Sarah Gordon Thomas
Jason J. Thompson
Sheldon Toll
Brian Trumbauer
Jason Turkish
Matthew L. Turner
Eisha Vatsal
Daniel Villaire
Robin Wagner
Rebecca Waisanen
Kelly Walters
Cathrine Wenger
Adam Wenner
Tamara White
Paul A. Wilhelm
I. W. Winsten
William Winters
Scott Wolfson
Sharon M. Woods
Jay Yasso
Jesse Young