VIRTUAL Seminar for New Lawyers: Navigating Your Way in State & Federal Court.
Please join us for the 46th Annual New Lawyer’s Seminar where you will receive practice tips and real-world advice about law, procedure and strategy from Michigan’s top lawyers and judges.
Cost for this TWO DAY webinar is $85 (Please note: No refunds provided for cancellations after December 20, 2021). Registration fee includes presentation materials and a one-year local charter membership!
This is a TWO DAY Event! There is no option to register for one day only. Information will be sent out after registration on how to register for the mass swearing-in.
NEW LAWYER’S SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS who sign up early enough will have the opportunity to participate in a mass swearing-in ceremony held during the seminar and be admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. This mass-swearing in opportunity will be open only to individuals who register for the New Lawyer’s Seminar.
NLS Registrants who signed up after the cut-off for the mass -swearing in can still get sworn in by going to the Court’s website and following the instructions provided there.